Designing a Questionnaire

What is a questionnaire?

Before you start designing your questionnaire think very carefully about what information you need from whom. Your questionnaire is a tool to help you get that data. A poor quality questionnaire will yield poor quality data.

Points to consider when designing a questionnaire

Handing out your questionnaire

You will get a broader range of respondents if you put your questionnaire online. You can use Survey Monkey or try this technique using Google Docs.

Analysing & Presenting Your Data

You need to learn from the results of your questionnaire. Therefore you will need to spend some time logging the answers. Then you need to create tables for each result - it's up to you how to do this. The easiest way is to log the answers in Microsoft Excel, then you can produce pie


Q:If there was a big fight, which of these movie heroes would win? Think hand-to-hand combat and don't make allowances for cool weaponry. That's a different poll question.

The results of your questionnaire, plus a blank copy of your questionnaire form must be handed in as part of your pre-production work.

Further Reading